sgl.html sgl_minimal.html sgl_Tips.html sgl_TroubleShooting.html


This document is intended to be viewed in Internet Explorer
sgl <software graphics library> Version 0.16
Written by Antzrhere (

Speed Up Tips

●USE SOLID COLOURED MODE WHERE POSSIBLE. Although textures look good and will be used more often than not, Solid Coloured polygons are noticeably faster.

●Try adding small borders to your screen by making the sglSetViewport() size smaller. You can also put your game info (lives, points) stuff in these borders as well making good use of the screen.

●Lower resolutions are faster. 320x240 is almost 4x faster than 640x480.

●Turn off z-buffering on polygons that are always going to be covered and draw them first. Un z-buffered polygons are much faster

●Do not draw polygons that face away from the camera and will not be seen.

●Enable back face culling on matrixes and don't disable back face culling on models if possible...its faster..

●If you do not use the full screen use sglRenderableArea() instead of sglEntireArea()